Earth hour

Do you know what is the purpose of turning of the light?
What is earth hour and why we must switching off the lights for one hour?
i don't know too, but after read an article, i finally know the answer
did you ever care of it?...or just folow people to turn off the light?

"Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming. "
All of us, no matter what religion you are, skin colour, nationalities, race or even background have the opportunites to use the light as their vote.

This is not about saving energy or electricity. It is more a massive, global and overwhelming signal to our nations' leaders to say that climate change is important. That it matters a great deal.
Switching off your lights is a vote for Earth, or leaving them on is a vote for global warming.

so what had you choose?
- earth or
- global warming?

Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, and it increase from a year to year. This year 2009, earth hour is taken to the next level wtih 1 billion voter. Vote earth is an individual action, every single vote count. Together we can control the future of our PLANET.

so no matter how. it means you fight agains climax change.

why still got such things?

there is still the light turn on...well i take this picture out of my room's window...
well is it they don't care about it? or they forget? or they even think this is the foolest things?
well it is too much posible answer..only they know
if you turn off..u truly save the earth..if you not...that means you support global warming...the climax change...

when in hour without light.
what you do?
haha...funny..lying on bed and sms with friends..only tht moment i received a lot sms from friends...but after 9:30pm...all gone..dunno where they go..maybe go see the light bulb..haha
what come into my mind is...when the world truly dark..then how are we going to survive?
im afraid of tht day...i don't wish it happen..but it might happen if all of us keep making the earth and the world sick and pain...
don't do it anymore..we should act our earth^^


martin said...

haha me also in darkness just now :P

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